Google Glass is an incredibly innovative type of wearable device with an optical head-mounted display, which when first unveiled in April 2012, gained quite a lot of attention from tech enthusiasts and the media alike. The whole world wondered what would the new piece of technology would be able to do and when it was going to be available for consumers. Unfortunately, Google took a lot of time to actually release a consumer accessible product, and instead launched Glass Explorer Edition, which was priced at a hefty $1,500. This led average consumers to avoid Google’s anticipated gadget. After a few years of being available for the world to test-run, the general public lost interest about Google Glass and rumors quickly spread about Google putting the device’s development on a complete halt. Although these theories were debunked a few times by several Google executives, Glass’ future remained a huge mystery for everyone, as Google kept being rather secretive about the device’s development.
Tony Fadell, the creator of the iPod and current leader of Glass’ independent development division, has recently talked about what may be ahead of the device’s future. According to Fadell, Google Glass will be eventually released and the general public will be once again eager to get their hands on the gadget, which will lead to its success. Google Glass’ consumer release won’t be rushed in any way, as the father of the iPod stated that Glass’ development is quite important and “it’s going to take time to get it right”.
During the interview with the BBC, Tony Fadell also noted that his current position as head of Google Glass development wasn’t “handed” to him, but he actually campaigned non-stop for the job. Google Glass has faced a great amount of struggles since it was announced over three years ago, but that doesn’t seem to demoralize Fadell, as he discussed how the original iPod’s development was somewhat similar in a way that it was called ahead of its time more than once, just like Google Glass has been. Tony Fadell remains confident that Google Glass will at some point become the future of wearable devices, and there is no doubt about his strong commitment to this vision.