JustWatch is an extremely useful service for movie and TV lovers alike, in which they can easily find where to watch their favorite movies and TV shows across several different countries including the United States. Even if the startup was just released earlier this year, it has already caught quite a lot of attention, as it has become an essential resource for people that mostly use streaming such as Netflix, Google Play, and Amazon Instant, JustWatch is essentially a search engine designed specifically to find movies and TV shows available to stream online. Just recently, it was announced that the service will no longer be available exclusively to desktop users, as an Android application of the incredibly functional service was imminent. JustWatch didn’t take to long to come forward after this announcement and quickly launched a native Android app for the service, which boasts unique characteristics such as the price-drop feature and their complete movies and TV shows catalog directly in your smartphone.
JustWatch is a rather amazing application as it shows you where exactly the movies or TV show you want to watch is available, this way, you’ll never miss any new release of your preferred streaming providers. JustWatch not only allows the user to search for its favorite movies or TV shows, it also offers a nifty “What’s hot” section so you can discover what the most popular movies and TV shows are right now. Users are also able to track down their favorite series and be notified every time a new episode is released, which is a rather useful feature if you’re trying to keep up with quite a few different shows, which are all stored in a personalized WatchList section. But the best and exclusive feature about the JustWatch app is that users will be able to find the best buy or rent deals available every day for an extensive amount of movie and TV show titles.
JustWatch is accessible internationally in 5 countries, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Brasil and Germany. Currently, the service lists all the available movies and TV shows from the major streaming media providers, such as Netflix, HBO NOW, Amazon Prime Instant Video, Hulu, Crackle, iTunes, Vudu, among others. JustWatch has been praised for its great functionality by numerous media websites and has already grown surprisingly well for the time it has been in the market. If you are a movie or TV lover, this newly released app is for you.