MOOV's New 'NOW' Tracker Boasts Better Accuracy

There are tons of different activity trackers with a range of different features, basically making it possible for anybody to find something that fits their needs, assuming they’re looking for an activity tracker in the first place. All of them will have the same core focus which is to allow you a means of tracking your different daily activities, but each one will have something slightly different or unique that may catch your eye a little more than most. One of the latest trackers to hit the market is Moov’s new activity tracker called the MOOV NOW, and it’s already being touted as having noticeable improvements over the previous model with better accuracy for more precise movement tracking.

The first thing consumers might notice is that the MOOV NOW is lacking a display, so there’s less direct interaction with it than with something like Fitbit’s latest trackers or something like the Sony Smartband Talk. It’s really more akin to something like what Misfit offers with the Shine, it even looks a little similar in shape and style. That’s beside the point though. What MOOV is offering with the new NOW tracker is much more than just activity tracking. It goes beyond tracking how many steps you take and how many calories you’ve burned off in any number of different exercises and workouts, it actually boasts being capable of tracking how you move too, and that’s probably going to be a big selling point for the device.

Speaking of cost, the MOOV NOW will end up being $100 when it officially launches, but eager enthusiasts looking to hop on board early can place pre-orders for the NOW tracker starting today for just $60, effectively saving them $40. The MOOV NOW tracker is smaller than the model from last year and can be compared to the size of a quarter, it’s waterproof, and it comes in multiple colors for those who want a little bit of personalization. You can strap it to your wrist, arm, or ankle depending on what you want it to track and for which exercise you’ll be engaging in, and paired with the selection of apps meant for different workouts it can act as a personal fitness coach with audio feedback. It also tracks your movement in a 3D space just like the original MOOV from last year which is how it can help you function better with your exercises. In addition to tracking a wide variety of different sports and motivating you to push yourself harder or alter your movements to keep from hurting yourself, it also tracks your sleep so you can make sure you’re getting a good night’s rest. MOOV has made things social and competitive too, as you can track your stats and compare them against other MOOV NOW users through the companion app across every sport. While pre-orders are available as of now the device won’t ship till later this Fall.