If you frequently read content from the web through the use of a desktop PC, smartphone or tablet, it’s likely that web pages are constantly showcasing irrelevant content and advertisements. Reading from websites that are not optimized for mobile devices are also a complete pain to deal with. That, however, is changing and Google Chrome will be making a design that will keep readers from distractions both with their home PC and their smartphone. This is thanks to a new mode being labeled as Google’s “Reader Mode“. Although with it still in-development, Google has worked on making swift changes to the design.
Google is working on a new feature mode for their Chrome web browser. Essentially this mode, when activated, will easily transform your web page to showcase and focus on the text and story images while taking away content that it deems insignificant. Users will find that different advertisements, boxes, headers and pictures that do not deal with the particular story of the article will disappear. The Chromium team has been working hard on this feature and while it’s available through beta forms of Google Chrome, the official release is still making its way to an actual release date.
The current form of Google Chrome’s Reader Mode has taken on some changes compared to what we’ve seen in the past. Through the issue tracker from Chromium, new notes were discovered which shows off a slight design overhaul compared to past updates and installments. Don’t expect to see too many big changes as they are more subtle but tend to make a big difference when reading content online. For starters, the text has changed. To some the text may seem to be a vast improvement as Google took the font from sans-serif to Roboto. The goal here is that Google wanted the text to appear easier to read. Another key change comes in the form of an article header. Before the update, the header of an article would have a gray background whereas the latest update the header background has been taken out completely. Reasoning behind the changes made, in general, was likely to steer away from any distractions and allow users to have an easier time reading the content once the new Reader Mode was selected.