The final unveiling of the OnePlus 2 is only a matter of days away now. Come July 27th, OnePlus and their latest flagship will be unveiled to the world and in virtual reality. As such, bringing a closure to the speculation on the few specs that the company has not yet announced. Well, one of the features which has received a good degree of attention so far is the camera on the OnePlus 2. This is not that surprising as the camera on the OnePlus One is considered by many One owners as one of the best features of the device. That along with the battery life the device seems to achieve.
In terms of the camera on the OnePlus 2, all suggestions seem to be pointing towards a 13-megapixel offering. Although, a very recent listing on Oppomart suggests a 16-megapixel might be on offer. Either way, the improvements in the camera department will be one feature which OnePlus will want to get right and especially to maintain the viewpoint of those who will be migrating from the OnePlus One to the OnePlus 2. The camera has already received its first review and was also very recently pitted against the iPhone 6, highlighting its superiority when used for night shooting.
Well, pitting the OnePlus 2 camera against an iPhone 6 is one thing. However, if you want to impress the android community then you need to really be aiming for one of the best cameras on an android device. And this is exactly what has now happened. OnePlus have released a few comparison images of photos taken using the OnePlus 2 and some taken on the Samsung Galaxy S6. As the camera on the Galaxy S6 is highly regarded as being one of the best cameras on a smartphone currently available, this testing is much more relevant. The images provided for the comparison are limited in terms of how many images there are, but do show the strengths of the camera on the latest OnePlus device. Of course, whether they are actually better than the shots taken with the Galaxy S6 is likely to attract a good deal of debate. You can make your own mind up by checking out the images below. For the record, the OnePlus 2 images are all the left-hand side images.