Quick Tips to Monetize Your Android App

Once you’ve created your Android app or Android game, done your best to kickstart your marketing methods, it’s time to start thinking about how to make money off of your app. Many developers will have put in a lot of hard work and effort into developing their latest app, and in order to get started on their next project, need to monetize their app. There are a number of ways to do this, and there are lots of marketing agencies out there that will churn the numbers and chew the fat concerning ROI and such, but here are some quick ways to get started earning some money from your app.


The chief way of making money, without asking users to pay you, on the Internet works just as well for Android apps and games as well. Advertising in your apps or games can be a great way of offering an app or game for free while also earning a little something back. This is more of a high volume tactic though, you’ll need a whole lot of users seeing these ads to earn a decent amount of money from your app. Combining advertising with an aggressive social media campaign can be a great way of earning a decent amount of money, but the more users you have on your app the better.

Paid Versions/Upgrades

If your app is more of a utility, or you’re a game developer that doesn’t want to bog your players down with ads or in-app purchases, then offering an upgrade or a paid version is a good idea. There are a lot of users that are more than happy to pay an outright cost if it means they don’t need to be hassled by ads or further upgrades. This is also a good option for those selling an app or game that doesn’t lend itself to the in-app purchase model. The Paid Version route is also a good one for those that offer a free version for users to test out their app or game.

In-App Purchases

This is perhaps one of the most popular app monetization models out there because it’s the simplest. To offer a game for free with no ads is obviously very appealing to new players, and they’re more inclined to pay for an upgrade or something extra if they don’t have to deal with ads or pay for something upfront. In-app purchases have made games like Game of War and Candy Crush the goliaths they are today. It’s not just games either, in-app purchases can offer certain users the features they like without asking them to pay for the whole app up front. In-app purchases might get a bad name from some out there, but they’re a surefire way to bring in a steady stream of revenue if you can keep people coming back to your app or game.