Samsung Partnership To Integrate KNOX/BES12 Goes Live

When it comes to security on mobile devices, Blackberry has generally been known as the top supplier of security solutions for the enterprise market. On the Android side of things, Samsung’s KNOX provides the most robust security solution for enterprise mobile devices so far, although Google is working hard to bring a stock Android security solution to the enterprise space. With Blackberry and Samsung both leading the way for mobile security solutions to companies, it shouldn’t have come as too much of a surprise that both companies came to an agreement last year in November of 2014 to integrate their security solutions with each other to offer the enterprise market more comprehensive results.

Today, the partnership to integrate BES12 software into Samsung’s KNOX suite takes hold and should be entering operational status as it was announced last year that the partnership would go live sometime in early 2015. While Samsung KNOX has been doing just fine on their own it seems with continued efforts to improve their software, the partnership will open up to allow the management of Samsung KNOX through BES12 to add even greater security layers for enterprise customers. KNOX has come quite a long way since it began, but Blackberry’s BES solutions for the enterprise market have been around a lot longer and should be able to provide enhanced results for KNOX.

Security has always been an utmost priority for plenty of companies but in the past has resulted in employees having to carry multiple devices, one for business and one for personal, due to the security limitations of the software. Now though, things are changing and the integration of BES12 and Samsung KNOX will allow companies to provide a mobile device solution that can handle both the personal applications and software running alongside the enterprise software and apps associated with the business. Not only does this cut out a little bit of hassle for the employees by requiring just one device to use, it allows companies to keep security intact while allowing employees to keep their personal device. It’s a partnership which gives a win to both brands. Blackberry gains revenue from the deal and a wide reach of their BES software thanks to the millions upon millions of Samsung devices, while Samsung gains improved security.