Today, Google made it official with the next version of Android. It will indeed be Android 6.0, and it will be Android Marshmallow. Google also dropped the final developer preview of Android M on us today, so it’s time to play around. And everyone’s digging through the preview to see what’s new in this third developer preview for Marshmallow. We’ve already found a bunch of new goodies and changes in the UI. One of the new features is all of the wallpapers. Well not technically a feature, but it is new in the third developer preview for Android M. Thanks to Jerry over on Android Central, we now have all of the wallpapers here and ready for your downloading pleasure.
We’ve got about 9 wallpapers here. They aren’t anything out of the ordinary. We have a few material design wallpapers here, which will keep the enthusiasts happy, and we have a few others here that look quite nice. Especially on a QHD display here. You can download them all at the link below. They are good looking wallpapers and will look good on most phones, even if it’s not running Marshmallow or even Lollipop. Which only about 18% of the Android population is using right now. These wallpapers are all slightly different dimensions, although one thing they have in common is the 2560 pixels. Which means we’re looking at, at least a 2K display here for the upcoming Nexus devices, maybe. It’s hard to say, considering we already have a 2K Nexus device in the wild. It seems that the common dimensions is 2880×2560, however.
While Android Marshmallow was announced today, we still don’t have the final release from Google. We also don’t have any new hardware just yet. That normally takes place a bit later in the year. In previous years, Google has announced the name for the new version of Android in September and announced the hardware in October. So it looks like we might be seeing the Nexus 5 2015 from LG and the Nexus 6 2015 from Huawei in September this year.
Download: Android Marshmallow Wallpapers