Unobtrusive Monetization Strategies For Mobile Games

Developing a game can be a pretty long process, and it undoubtedly involves quite a bit of hard work, hard work which you want to pay off. A common challenge sometimes can be deciding on how exactly to monetize your game and finding which method suits your game best. This can depend on plenty of different factors like who the audience is you’re trying to reach. If you’re still unsure of where to start and what methods to use, there are tons of different app monetization tips out there which can help you narrow down what might be the best choice for your game specifically, which could be a single monetization model or a combination of different models.

If you’re a developer with multiple games, or if you have a partnership with other publishers, a good idea might be to design and create and finally implement the use of a more games button and widget. The “more games” button basically places a small button where gamers can access other games which your or your partners may offer that could provide you with extra revenue from install number increases. Whether you place the button in one spot or in multiple areas, you want your games to reach more players so the goal is to get as many eyes as possible on the fact that you have more games to offer.

You can place the more games button in multiple spots as stated above, but it can also help to know some of the more common placement locations where you have better chances of people noticing its existence. Typically you can find these on the main menu screen, after level completion, the pause menu, when players reach the game over screen, or even inside of the in-game store. You can also have it showing continuously throughout gameplay so long as it’s out of the way and you make it unobtrusive so as not to annoy players. In-game ads are another easy way to monetize your game for more revenue, and in combination with the more games button, interstitial ads can help drive your revenue upwards by suggesting other games for people to play. These ads can typically be launched on the same screens as the more games button making it easy for you to show both the ad and the button to players without overloading them.