Humble Mobile Bundle 14 Is Here With Some Great Games

Every few weeks or so Humble Bundle will toss out a new bundle of games for the mobile platform so Android users can pick up a collection of some really great games at a super low cost. This benefits everyone involved as the gamers get an awesome price for some really cool games, and the money paid gets spread among Humble Bundle, the game devs, and the charity Humble Bundle is supporting for the specific bundle. As of today, Humble Mobile Bundle 14 is here and there are six great games included in this pack from the start, with more on the way in about a week or so.

The charities being supported for this bundle are Electronic Frontier Foundation and Worldreader, so if you like games and you like supporting good causes, this is a great deal. With any humble Bundle you generally get to pay what you want, and with this bundle if you pay at least $1 you’ll unlock three games including Amelia: Kids Story Book, Toy Defense Premium, and One More Line Humble Edition. Now as stated above there are six games included in the bundle, and to unlock the other three gamers will need to pay the average amount. In doing so, the remaining three games which can be picked up are Double Dragon Trilogy, Autumn Dynasty – RTS, and Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath.

In addition to unlocking the last three games mentioned, gamers who pay the average amount (which is sitting at $4.27 at the time of writing this) will also unlock any future games that get added to the bundle. This usually happens after the bundle has been out for about a week, however they are a mystery until the day they’re added in. There’s currently about 13 days and 22 hours left on this bundle which means it just launched a couple of hours ago, as the bundles always last for 14 days. That also means gamers should be looking out for the additional games to likely be added next Monday, and you can certainly wait until then to see what gets added before you throw down, but chances are the average amount will also rise so you’ll get the best deal by picking it up as soon as possible.