Magic Rampage Is An Homage To 16-Bit Era Action Platformers

Magic Rampage is classified as an action platformer, and it plays out like one, but it’s also more than that. You’ll find elements of hack and slash games, as well as RPG-like elements weaved into the experience like gear and loot with tons of different weapons and armor to collect and equip. There is also quite a bit of character customization too similar to what you might see in vast and deeply engaging open-world RPG’s, although not quite on such an intricate scale as there are only four different things you can change with a handful of options in each category.

Although three of the four areas of character customization will simply change your appearance, (you make these decisions at the start of the game) the head gear actually gives you certain stat attributes, so depending on how you’ll want to end up playing whether it’s using more magic or using more melee attack based items like swords, the varying head pieces will  give you stats like a higher percentage of attack for magic items or higher percentage for attack with swords. The game features multiple levels spread out as a series of chapters and dungeons, and throughout the game you can collect coins, along with 1-3 diamonds/gems to find per dungeon. Each dungeon also has secret areas for you to discover as well which adds a little bit of replay value for those who like to complete games to their fullest.

Your character will only have a certain amount of life, so you’ll need to find and collect things like health pots to restore your HP when it gets low. You can find these in random boxes and giant urns throughout the level and all you need to do is destroy them. Once in a while you’ll come across NPC characters that tie into the background story of protecting the king, which is apparently part of your job. Gameplay mechanics for magic rampage are quite easy if you choose to use the touch-based controls that are built in, but it does support Bluetooth gamepads so if you’re more comfortable with that style of controls you’re in luck. Magic Rampage is a free game, but there are optional in-app purchases. However, they don’t seem to be intrusive or come up very often so they shouldn’t bother most.