Samsung Intros Car Mode for Galaxy During IFA 2015

IFA 2015 is getting into its stride now. and Samsung just held an event this morning, which mostly focused on their push in the Internet of Things sector. Devices like the new SleepSense and their new SmartThings Hub were announced to further make it clear that Samsung believes in the connected home and the Internet of Things. They had one interesting, quick announcement to make on stage as well, dubbed the ‘Care Mode for Galaxy’. Over the years, every single Galaxy S or Galaxy Note smartphone that Samsung has shipped has done so with Google’s Android operating system onboard, but Samsung has often gone their own way with core features. Car Mode for Galaxy is perhaps another way of letting Google know that they don’t have to rely solely on Android Auto.

On stage, Car Mode was announced as a way for users to get access to the simple things they need while on the move, including voice control and pertinent information, like reading text messages aloud. Car Mode for Galaxy will work with guys that are MirrorLink enabled, and Samsung’s partnership with Volkswagen seemed to be something of a focus on stage. Car Mode for Galaxy will be available across a range of Samsung smartphones, and while it will work with any car that is MirrorLink enabled, certain Volkswagen models will get the Car-Net E-Remote app. This will give the Galaxy smartphones a little extra info and bridge the gap between something like Car Mode for Galaxy and something more dedicated like Android Auto.

They also announced some interesting new tech in the upcoming Gear S2 smartwatch that will allow users to control their Volkswagen cars from their watch. We’re assuming more will be unveiled as we hear and see more of the new smartwatch. In the meantime though, it appears as though Galaxy users will be able to get a little of the Android Auto experience in any MirrorLink enabled car. Of course, this doesn’t offer up anywhere near as many features, and there’s no app store here, but it’s at least something and it adds to the already impressively long list of features that Samsung offers their users.