While Android 6.0 Marshmallow will be shipping with a load of brand new security features designed around enhancing your personal security experience, one of the biggest holes still left in Android’s app privacy handling has to do with the apps themselves. Let’s say you’re hanging out with friends and want to show pictures to them, but have no way of easily filtering out those pictures that shouldn’t exactly be public? Other than maybe sticking them in separate folders or other time consuming tasks that no one wants to do, why not get an app that’ll keep people out of your business without the correct code? That’s the idea behind the Leo Privacy Guard app, and one that we’d like to review for you today.
We walk you through all the features of the Leo Privacy Guard app and how well it works too. There’s quite a bit to this completely free app and it’s available right at the Google Play Store for your downloading and installing pleasure. We’ve done a full written review if you want a different visual breakdown of the app itself, as well as some highlights that aren’t included in the video. Check that out right here and be sure to check out the video just below too!