YouTube Red References Appearing In YouTube Music Key

YouTube has been going through some significant changes to the way it looks and works of late. It was only a week or so ago when the latest update news came through suggesting that soon YouTube users are likely to see a big change to the way in which they interact with videos and video listings. One which will very much improve the experience when surfing through YouTube and looking for specific videos. Not to mention, the much bigger picture change over the last year or so, has been the implementation of YouTube’s Music Key. For those who have still not properly used Music Key, this is essentially a YouTube oriented music service where you can stream videos offline and watch (or rather listen to) YouTube videos in the background on your device.

Well, a recent teardown from Android Police is now suggesting that another rather big change may be en route to YouTube Music Key. Although, if correct, this change will be less to do with the actual features of the service and much more to do with the name.

According to the details, a recent update to the YouTube app is now showing trace signs of what seems to be labelled as “YouTube Red”. In particular, it would seem that the playback background feature is where the YouTube reference is being more clearly noted and again only in a very small amount of ways, namely notifications. As such, it seems unclear as to whether it is only this specific feature that is likely to be re-branded or the entire music service. Although, with the lack of additional features noting the “Red” tag, it does seem to make more sense that it is only the background feature that it will likely affect. However, as the Music Key is still technically in a Beta state, there is some logic to suggest that a re-branding is not only possible, but likely. Either way, it does seem that changes are inbound and on their way to the YouTube Music Key service, even if they are only in name and for background playback.