Amazon Echo now Pulls Recipes from Campbell's Kitchen & More

If you thought that the Amazon Echo was “just a Bluetooth speaker” you thought wrong. Amazon launched the Echo in November of 2014, and was only available to Prime members who asked for an invite. Amazon opened up sales to everyone earlier this year, and has continued to update it and make it even better. The Amazon Echo is powered by Alexa, which will remind you a lot of Google Now or Siri. For example, you can ask Alexa things like sports scores, weather and more. But each week we get a new update on the Echo with even more cool features. Making the Echo that much better, and an even better buy.

This week’s feature brings us the ability to bring in Recipes from Campbell’s Kitchen. So now you can ask Alexa to read off a recipe to you while you’re cooking. Without needing to use your phone, tablet or laptop. Talk about being convenient. Another skill that Alexa gained in this update was the ability to tell you which politicians are trending on Twitter using Tweet Poll. This will especially be helpful with the upcoming Presidential Election. Amazon has also added some political jokes to Alexa, in light of the latest Republican debate which took place this past week. Just ask Alexa about Jeb Bush or Ben Carson, and prepare to laugh.

That’s not all that’s new with Alexa. Seeing as today is Halloween, you can ask Alexa a few things like to play a Haunter House sounds playlist from Amazon Prime music, as well as how to survive a zombie apocalypse. Additionally, you can ask Alexa to “trick or treat” unfortunately, you won’t be getting any candy. Although that would be pretty amazing.

The Amazon Echo is available on Amazon exclusively for $179.99. You do not need to be an Amazon Prime member to buy it, although you will enjoy some added features if you are one. Additionally, the Alexa app is available on the Google Play store right now for free. Which will be needed to take full advantage of the Amazon Echo, if you do pick one up.