Apple’s purchase of the Beats brand is nothing new, but Apple apps on Android is and their latest addition to the Play Store is also their sophomore application for Google’s mobile OS called “Beats Pill+,” and is solely focused on providing users on Android who also use the Beats Pill + Bluetooth wireless speaker a way to interact with it through the application. This is following up Apple’s first application which sought to give Android users who were switching to an Apple iPhone the ability to move over important data with a few simple steps, and is a prior release to the upcoming Apple Music app which is currently going through closed beta testing on Android devices.
Beats Pill+ is a aimed specifically at those who want to get a little more out of their speakers, and provides users with features like remote control of the speakers functions, such as managing the volume. Another feature called “DJ” lets two users connect up to the speaker through the app and control the music from two separate sources, while a single user can connect up two Beats Pill+ speakers with the Amplify feature to allow for a more immersive surround sound experience compared to using just one single unit. Lastly there’s the Stereo features which takes two connected Beats Pill+ speakers and separates the left and right sounds, and then designates one set each to either speaker for a completely different sound experience than with Amplify.
This should be a useful little companion app for those who actually own a Beats Pill+ speaker as their wireless Bluetooth sound systems. Apple states that there will be future support and updates to the speakers as well which will happen through the use of this connected app. If that sounds familiar, it’s because Ultimate Ears does the same thing with their series of BOOM and MEGABOOM speakers too. The Beats Pill+ app also lets users check the battery life of the speaker so they known just how much power they have left before the speaker needs a recharge. This could be quite useful if you’re not ready to turn down the music, allowing you to simply plug in the speaker before the battery dies and the music shuts off.