Earlier this week, Google released the factory images for the Android 6.0 Marshmallow release, and the OTA’s followed soon there after. Google also pushed the code to AOSP earlier this week so custom ROM makers like CyanogenMod can get started on making their Marshmallow release happen. Thanks to a redditor by the name of burritofire, CyanogenMod has already started work on CyanogenMod 13.0, which will be their Marshmallow release. On their code review site, you can see a number of entries for CM 13.0, which is very exciting.
While CyanogenMod has indeed begun working on CyanogenMod 13.0, that doesn’t mean it’s coming anytime soon. While Marshmallow is a relatively small update, compared to Lollipop at least, these things take time and can be very buggy when they first start rolling out. In the past, we’ve seen new versions of CyanogenMod roll out to Nexus devices first, and I’d expect that to be the same this time around as well. It’s just easier to start with devices that already have branches of code from Google, which are the Nexus devices. After a few days it’ll likely branch out to the other current flagships, including the Moto X Pure Edition, LG G4, and a few others. It’ll be interesting to see if the Galaxy Note 5 gets CyanogenMod 13.0 support right away considering it uses an Exynos processor.
Now it’s important here that we explain that this is CyanogenMod and not Cyanogen OS. So if you have a Cyanogen OS, like the many from YU, or the ZUK Z1 (there are a few others available now), this is not the same software. CyanogenMod is the open source ROM that is available for many Android smartphones available right now, and Cyanogen OS is closed source and only available for a few devices, including the OnePlus One, the ZUK Z1 and a few others. It’s important that we don’t confuse the two.
CyanogenMod for Marshmallow is coming. And we’ll be sure to let everyone know once the update to CyanogenMod 13.0 is available, as well as which devices it is available for. So make sure you stay tuned to Android Headlines for all of the details.