LG’s assault on the smartphone world continued this month when the company finally unveiled the latest of their more premium devices in the form of the LG V10. This makes LG one of the companies who has a selection of high-end devices on the market with the already LG G and G Flex ranges seeing their respective releases earlier in the year. However, sales for the LG premium ranges have not exactly lit the smartphone world alight. The LG G Flex 2 is already seeing significant drops in price, while the LG G4 received criticism earlier in the year for seemingly not selling as well as it should have, or had been forecast. This was in spite of what seemed to be a consensus of great reviews and an excellent camera. As such, LG are undoubtedly hoping the V10 can sway the market with its ticker display and camera-focused properties.
However, the initial results which are starting to come through are not exactly going to be great reading for the folks over at LG. The latest information comes in from ATLAS Research & Consulting and focuses on the period between October 8th and October 14th. Although the LG V10 is a new device and yet to become available in certain markets, the latest details are relevant to the domestic South Korea market. As this is LG’s home market and one which the company has a bigger impact, it would be expected that the results would be favorable for the V10’s first week of business.
Well, that does not seem to be the case. Instead, the results highlight that the V10 only managed to be the 15th best selling smartphone. For a device like the V10, to not land within the top 10 somewhere, will be seen as a disappointing start to its availability. Of course, Samsung is a dominant force in South Korea and this comes through with the company maintaining a dominant hold on the top 10. However, either way you look at it, both premium and low-end Samsung devices came through strong in the top 10, highlighting both sides of the price spectrum are spending. In fact, it was the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 which asserted itself in the number one position. According to the information coming through, the Galaxy Note 5 has maintained the top position for the last eight weeks, which does further suggest that even after a prolonged position in number one and after consistent weeks of high-sales, LG’s attempt with the V10 was unable to dethrone the Note 5. What will be even worse news for the sales of the V10 going forward in LG’s home market, is that the iPhone 6S will begins its availability this week and is likely to enter the top 10 in a high-position, if not replace the Galaxy Note 5. Of course, as time goes on and as more results start to come through, the success or failure of the LG V10 will become clearer.