T-Mobile Advise 15 Million Possibly Affected By Data Breach

When it comes to security and privacy, data seems to be the most valuable commodity. On a routine basis, news come through that data might have been compromised, stolen or otherwise and they all build into what creates a vacuum of fear around the idea of storing data online. This is something which is very often discussed in the Android world due to the nature of Android. Well, the latest news is now coming in from T-mobile which advises that T-Mobile, more specifically, a number of their customers, might have had their data compromised.

T-Mobile CEO, John Legere, who is often known for his honesty when calling out other carriers, seems to be one who has broken the news today of the possible T-Mobile data breach. Legere did this through an open letter he posted online which looks to explain the situation. According to the details, credit consumer agency, Experian, has suffered a data breach. Where T-mobile comes in, is that the data breach in question was one on a particular server. A server which also happens to contain a significant amount of T-Mobile data. This is due to Experian being one of the companies T-Mobile uses to carry out their credit checks and so on.

As such, Legere has advised that as many as 15 million T-Mobile customers may have seen their data compromised in the hack. Data which could have been obtained is said to include, customer names, addresses, birthdays and also data which is considered to be more encrypted like Social Security numbers. However, Legere also advises that extremely sensitive information like bank account and credit card details were not affected. Some of the data will have been for new customers who had to go through a credit check when looking to join T-Mobile and Legere specifically notes between the dates of September 1st 2013 and September 16th 2015. The posting goes on to detail that T-Mobile and Experian are doing all they can to assess the situation and also improve the protection of data. Those interested in knowing more or worried they could have been affected can read the Legere open letter in full by clicking here.