T-Mobile will push Android 6.0 to Nexus 6 This Week

This morning, Google began rolling out the latest version of Android, which is Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Factory images are already available for the Nexus 5, 6, 7 (2013), 9 and Nexus Player. With OTA’s coming pretty soon. As is common with updates like this, users on Twitter are asking T-Mobile’s product evangelist, Des Smith, when the Nexus 6 on T-Mobile will get the update to Android 6.0 Marshmallow. While, yes, Google is indeed pushing the update. The carriers still have to approve it, since it’s a device on their network. However, for those with T-Mobile and the Nexus 6, good news. Des stated that T-Mobile is pushing the update to Marshmallow out this week for the Nexus 6. So far there’s no word on the Nexus 5, but it should be this week as well.

However, for those of you that don’t want to wait for Android 6.0 Marshmallow to come from T-Mobile, there is a Marshmallow build available on the Nexus Factory Images website, which you can flash to your Nexus 6. Now this will factory reset your Nexus 6, in a sense. But it is better than waiting. Currently, we are unsure of how much of a difference there will be between the regular Marshmallow build and what T-Mobile is rolling out. But we will find out soon enough.

With Android 6.0 Marshmallow, we aren’t looking at a huge upgrade like we saw with the Android 5.0 Lollipop update this time last year. This could also be why we’re seeing factory images for all Nexus devices appear at the same time. Marshmallow is more of a stability update, but there are still some really great features baked into the OS. Perhaps the biggest feature is Now on Tap. Where Google Now is available virtually everywhere. So whether you’re in an app, on a webpage, or wherever, you can get answers from Google Now right there, as the name indicates, it’s Google Now on Tap. Which has been available in the developer previews, but will be available properly in the final release that’s available beginning today.

As soon as T-Mobile starts rolling out Android 6.0 to their Nexus 6, we’ll be sure to give everyone a heads up.