It’s quite common for popular media entertainment to cross the lines into the forms of other media, you see it often when movies are made into TV shows, and when movies or tv become video games. That’s exactly what’s happening with hit TV show Futurama, as Fox Digital Entertainment have entered into a partnership to create a mobile game based on the Futurama universe called “Futurama: Release The Drones.” Sometimes the games turn out to be a grandstanding favorite of just about everyone, but even when they’re not, most times they’re almost a certainly a treat for the fans of the original content.
Futurama: Release The Drones will be in the puzzle genre according to Wooga’s announcement post, which will see the crew of the Planet Express, essentially that’s you, the gamer, fighting for business against MomCo. which happens to be your longtime shipping rival. Although there are no intricate details or screenshots to speak of, gamers will need to connect lines of delivery drones to solve the puzzles for each stage, and by the sounds of it each puzzle will come with increasing difficulty. Wooga also makes note that Futurama’s “iconic locations” will play a big role in the background settings for levels, which means those who are fans of the series will end up with a little bit of nostalgia.
This wouldn’t be the first time a mobile game has ruined the vision of something which was once great, so hopefully that won’t be the case here. The good news is that the game’s dialogue should be at least mildly entertaining to anyone who knows the kind of comedy Futurama contains, as Wooga was able to scoop up one of the show’s original writers, Patrick M. Verrone. Alongside him will be Jonathan Meyers from Game of Thrones: Ascent, as well as Dave Grossman from Secret of Monkey Island and The Wolf Among Us. At this time, there is no mention of a tentative release date or whether the game will be a free to play title or a paid game. Whatever the case though, legions of fans are sure to at least give it a try.