Play Daily Fantasy Leagues with DraftKings

Fantasy leagues for a variety of sports have been around for ever, basically. But many of us have grown tired of them, simply because one of our players gets injured, or is having a bad season, and thus our season is dead. But DraftKings has changed that. Allowing you to enter contests that last a day, or a few days at most. Where you can choose a team and use it only for that day (unless you’re in the NFL, then it’s Thursday through Monday for some contests). And if you win, you will get your money immediately. What’s not to like?

DraftKings has been around for a few years, but you are likely seeing more and more of their ads this year, as they are aiming to pay out over a billion in 2015. With the DraftKings app, you are able to choose your team as well as edit your team and keep up with it during the contest. And see how much money you’re about to pocket. Additionally, you can find new contests to join. Whether that’s NFL, NBA, NHL, or a variety of other sports. You can also create contests, as well as add money to your account, so you’ll be able to enter even more contests. Some have been able to put $20 in their account and come back with hundreds if not thousands.

The best part about DraftKings is the fact there is no season-long commitment. And I think all of us would love that. Being able to start each day with a brand new team, is something fantasy sports players have dreamed of for quite some time. DraftKings is a lot like FanDuel, which also does daily fantasy leagues. DraftKings has been around a bit longer. With DraftKings you have a set salary, and you can draft players but you cannot go over that salary cap. Making things a bit more challenging for users.

The DraftKings app is available to download now through the Google Play Store, and it is completely free. Although, to add money to your account, that will cost some cash. But it’s not considered an in-app purchase.