Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) is the latest and greatest version of the operating system to arrive. And with its arrival, comes a ton of new features for users to get used to. However, compared to Lollipop, which brought with it a massive visual improvement, the new features on Marshmallow seem far more akin to those to improve functional performance than aesthetics. One of which that is gaining considerable attention of late is Doze. This is the new feature from the Android team which is designed to ensure that your battery life is maximized to offer the best off-charge level of usage as possible. So when your device is not being used, Doze will send your device somewhat off to sleep to minimize the impact on your battery. Well, as is the case with all Android offerings, everything is open to customization and Doze and its features is no different.
A couple of new apps are already popping up on both the Play Store and XDA, designed to improve even more on the ability to make use of Doze. The first is one we already highlighted earlier this morning and goes by the name Doze Settings Editor. The other app goes by the cutely named ‘Naptime’. Essentially, both apps looks to do the same thing and extend your battery life through Doze. The way in which Naptime does this is to allow the user to configure how Doze is used and works by presetting the parameters for the aspects and sub-elements that are dozed. This way, you do not have to rely on the self-determining parameters put in place across the board, of all of your apps and features when using Doze.
Of course, like Doze Settings Editor, there are a couple of prerequisites that need to be in place before you can make use of Naptime. The first is obviously that you will need to be running Android Marshmallow to be able to make use of Doze in the first place. The second is that you will need to be rooted for Naptime to work due to their nature and level at which the app is adjusting the system. Other than these two main points, Naptime does differ from Doze Settings Editor as it is already available to download from the Play Store. Hit the link below to find out more.