HTC’s One A9 is in the middle of its launch period, having literally just launched in the US on T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint and of course the unlocked version on HTC’s website. Verizon’s launch is just next month and at that point you’ll be able to get the phone where ever and however you’d like, including internationally as well. We posted our full and detailed written review about a week ago now and hope you enjoyed that, or if you didn’t get a chance to check it out go ahead and follow that link. Now that the phone is live and in stores we thought it might be nice to give you a good look at HTC’s newest phone and what’s so special about it.
While the promotional pre-order pricing of $399 is officially expired, buying it from HTCs website for the MSRP of $499 nets you the HTC Uh-Oh protection you so deserve. This is a free-bee insurance program that will replace your broken phone for one time, essentially a no questions asked policy. See HTC’s website for full details of course but you can be assured that HTC will replace the phone basically no matter what you do to it. Check out the video review below and let us know what you think of HTC’s latest!