Smartphones and tablets have become quite capable gaming machines as well. They’re nowhere near console or PC standard, but they’re more than enough for the vast majority of people. There are tons of gaming titles available through the Google Play Store, so chances are you’ll find what you’re looking for, no matter whether you’re looking for a more ‘serious’ titles, or just something to kill time with. That being said, we’ve come across a rather interesting new game recently, which is both simple and time-consuming at the same time, read on.
The game in questions is called ‘Blown Away: First Try’, and it’s basically an arcade game (platformer). You’re playing as ‘Hendrik’, and the plot is… well, silly, in a good way. Hendrik is left with only 1 hair on his head, and a pair of teleporting shoes, everything else was blown away by the wind. Now, the objective here is to find the remains of Hendrik’s house, and in order to do that, you’ll need to play through four different worlds and 120 levels which are currently available. The game is pretty fun, and kind of addicting, it reminded me a lot of Bullet Boy for some reason. Anyhow, the gameplay is quite interesting as well, you combine walking, jumping and teleporting in this game in order to avoid obstacles and finish levels. This, of course, opens quite a few possibilities considering you can basically teleport through walls, but batteries keep you at bay and make you think what you next move will be. There are a number of upgrades you can access throughout the game which will enhance your abilities and what not, these upgrades will also revitalize the game for you.
The Blown Away: First Try is a free game, well, kind off. You get the first 30 levels for free, and in case you’d like to access the remaining 90, you’ll have to pay $2.99. There’s a short promo video embedded down below for you to check out, and so are the official images. In case you’d like to try out this game, click on the Google Play banner, and let the fun begin.