Let’s face it, smartphone plans are pretty tricky, and they are always changing. We see all sorts of marketing speak from the big four carriers here in the US, and it basically confuses the consumers. Cinch Financial has developed a tool to help you find the best smartphone plan for you, based on a few factors. It actually works really well.
First off, the tool asks why you are looking for a new plan. Next it asks which carrier you are currently with, then how many lines you have and if you want a new phone with this plan. Followed by asking which phone you currently have, which it gives you pretty simplified answers. New iPhone, older iPhone, New Android, Oldest Android, etc. Next up, the tool will ask if you use that phone at your current carrier, followed by how much data you need each month. It’ll also ask if your credit score is good or bad (this does affect your pricing a bit). Finally it will ask if there are any networks that don’t work well for you in your area. After that, just hit the “Get Recommendations”. After you get your recommendations, it will show you how much you’ll be paying per month, as well as the upfront cost and how much you’d be paying over a 2 year period. You can also see the cost breakdown for each plan that it recommends to you.
Cinch Financial also has a page that lists the best plans in the US. For both Single lines and Two line plans. Which also break it down for upfront costs, monthly costs and the cost over a 2-year period. Needless to say, it’s a great tool for finding the best plan for you. And it’s always worth checking out the coverage before signing up for that plan. And with so many carriers having nearly identical plans, you won’t find a huge amount of savings in switching. But you will be more likely to find better coverage. You can check out the smartphone plan recommendation tool here. It’s a great tool to check out.