When Verizon and Motorola launched the DROID Turbo 2 it became the first DROID device to ever get the customization treatment and allow consumers to create their own unique combination of traits through Moto Maker. Recently it was revealed that you would be able to purchase a special edition Star Wars themed DROID Turbo 2 with the color accents of the device centered around specific characters from the upcoming film Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Verizon stated that beginning today, picking up these custom devices would be possible and right on time, Verizon subscribers can now head to the Verizon website and choose the device based on the character that fits them best.
When selecting a character the device already has a preset combination of design elements that match up with the characters look, which saves you some time from creating these designs yourself on the Moto Maker website, but should you choose to go directly through Motorola’s website instead you could create these special edition devices using the Moto Maker tool. The special edition Star Wars DROID Turbo 2 devices are the same cost as any other DROID Turbo 2, and there are no extra features or different hardware, they simply come themed after one of five characters and come preinstalled with a matching character homescreen wallpaper.
In the not too distant future there will be an app available which has these wallpapers included, so anyone who wants to have access to them that doesn’t pick up one of these DROID Turbo 2’s will be able to install whatever they like best. It also means that those who create a DROID Turbo 2 through Moto Maker and simply mimic the design of the ones Verizon offers via their webpage can install the app and grab the same wallpaper as well. If you’re a Verizon customer and you were considering a DROID Turbo 2 for your next device, you can also celebrate the new film that releases next Friday by purchasing the special edition Star Wars device. As stated during yesterday’s details, the devices will come with colors and a wallpaper to match Kylo Ren, the BB-8 Droid, Poe Dameron, Rey, and a first order storm trooper.