75% Off Any Google Play Movie Rental Returns

Looking for a great way to kill a Friday night?  Stuck inside by that massive snowstorm swallowing the eastern half of the US?  We’ve got the remedy for you, and it’s in the form of a movie rental.  But who wants to pay $5 to rent a movie when you can tread through the snow to your nearest Redbox for a $1 rental?  Google has heard your hue and cry and is now offering 75% off any movie rental on the Google Play Store.  This promotion might sound familiar, and that’s because it is!  Google actually just did this exact promotion about a month ago during the Christmas holiday as a way to entice new customers into using the service.  Now while half the US seems to be snowed in Google is extending this promotion once again, and thankfully it’s not only limited to the US.

Customers in the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Germany, France and Great Britain are all eligible for the promotion.  You can even use those nifty Google Play credits that you’ve been wracking up on the Google Opinion Rewards app too, so many of you out there will probably not even have to spend money on said rental.  Generally rentals range around $3-5, and it’s normally $1 more to watch HD versions of the movie or TV show you’re looking to rent.

Finding the promotion is easy, but each code is unique to the account, so you’ll have to hunt a little bit to find it for yourself.  Head on over to the Play Store either on your mobile device or computer and search around for the banner you see below.  It’s a nice large red banner that lets you know this 75% off deal is only for a limited time.  Be sure to click the banner and accept the coupon when the pop-up box asks.  By clicking you’ll add the coupon to your account and it will automatically be applied towards your next rental.  Once you accept the coupon you have until March 31st, 2016 to rent any movie for 75% off, otherwise it’s lost forever.  That is of course until Google decides to start its next promotion, and judging on past efforts it likely won’t be long.