AT&T has now confirmed that it will increase the data allowance for its GoPhone prepaid subscribers from the eighth of this month. According to an announcement by the company, the $45 plan will now come with an allowance of 2 GB LTE data instead of the 1.5 GB the plan came with thus far. The company is also raising the data cap for the $60 plan – this time by one full GB. While the plan came with 4 GB data up until now, subscribers opting for the plan will henceforth be entitled to 5 GB of high-speed LTE data. While both plans come with unlimited talk and text within the U.S., and the later plan also supports roaming in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
AT&T also makes it amply clear that both the aforementioned GoPhone plans support rollover data, meaning, data left unused one month will automatically be added to next month’s data bucket, ensuring that no amount of precious data will ever go to waste. The carrier also points out that subscribers opting for Auto Refill will actually have to pay $5 less than the advertised price per month. What that means in essence is that the plans would cost only $40 or $55 for users choosing the Auto Refill option. While AT&T is yet to update its website to reflect the impending changes, the company has officially acknowledged that these changes that will be effective in a couple days’ time.
It had been already reported on the imminent plan revamps earlier this week, but the news was yet to be confirmed through an official source. GoPhone, of, course, is a prepaid service,brands along with Cricket Wireless, for the nation’s second-largest telecom service provider, AT&T. The service competes in the marketplace with its own aforementioned stable-mate, along with that of T-Mobile’s MetroPCS, Sprint’s Boost Mobile and Verizon’s own prepaid services. Not to mention a whole host of MVNOs operating in the country. It remains to be seen if AT&T, with its revamped plans, is able to attract new prepaid customers to its fold. Either way, increased data allowances can only be good for consumers, as they’ll now enjoy the benefits of the newly-introduced extra data allowance from their next billing cycle.