Cerberus is one of the many security apps out there, and it actually features a fully-featured website to keep track of your device. One of the more popular features of the service is being able to find your device when its lost and keep your information safe, in case it has been stolen. Which is something none of us want to have happen. Cerberus rubbed a lot of people the wrong way last year when they opted to cancel the free “lifetime” licenses for the app. Many of which expire in 2017. Cerberus had to find a way to make money, as the developers have bills to pay, not to mention running Cerberus isn’t free for the team behind the service.
Now the company has updated their website and it looks pretty nice, actually. It is for the most part material design, a side from a few things that don’t act quite right. Including a pretty cluttered action bar at the top, along with some issues in dialog boxes. Things that will likely be fixed in the near future, so don’t be surprised to see more changes occur on their website. For the most part, the website feels like using an app on an Android device, as the pop-ups and such feel much like using an app. Including a lot of the material design animations that debuted in Android 5.0 Lollipop back in 2014.
The site looks great, and for those that still use Cerberus, even after they decided to end the free “lifetime” licenses last year, this is going to be a pretty huge upgrade. With Cerberus you can track your devices, definitely something that is helpful for those that have multiple devices. Especially developers. The service is free for a week, giving you a 7-day free trial of the service. After that, if you wish to continue using the service, you’ll have to pay $5.40 for an in-app purchase which gives you a lifetime license to use the service forever, or as long as they are in business. The app is material design as well – and has been for quite some time, actually.