Denon Admits Google Cast Partnership Is No More

Google Cast is a great little technology that allows users to stream content to different devices, and last year during CES Google announced that a range of Google Cast ready speakers would be making their way to market, including products from Denon in their Heos line. While some Google Cast speakers have been launched, none have been from Denon and naturally this has led consumers to wonder whether or not Denon was going to produce any Google Cast ready products in the future. According to a recent reply from the company’s European account on Twitter to a question regarding the matter, both Google and Denon have “differing product approaches” and will not be launching speakers integrated with Google Cast.

For consumers who are fans of Denon products, this might be a little bit of a disappointment, but perhaps the bright side of the whole situation is that Denon likely hasn’t completely ruled out the possibility of integrating Google Cast into their speakers at some point down the road, as they state that if they change their decision and move ahead with Google Cast for audio they will be announcing such changes. This of course does not mean they will decide to use the technology at all, but for those hoping Denon will live up to the original announcement, it’s something.

For any consumers looking at alternatives to Denon, there’s always the existing and already available LG and Sony speakers, as well as the line up of new partners that Google has announced at this year’s CES which include the likes of Raumfeld and Harman Kardon, as well as Pioneer, Onkyo, Philips, and B&O Play. Sony has also announced a speaker refresh during this year’s CES which introduces their second lineup of speakers with Google Cast for audio, so 2016 is definitely shaping up to have quite a few choices. The point is, even without Denon consumers won’t be left without some comparable products with similar audio quality, all that’s left now is the wait for these products to launch, although unfortunately there haven’t been any dates for release announced by any of the new brands this year, nor are their details on pricing for the products.