Google Glass Closes Shop Across Social Media

Google Glass has been out of the public consumer eye for quite some time, having been focusing their efforts on enterprise and placing much of their forward-moving development in the hands of businesses looking to take advantage of Glass in the workplace. Google Glass received plenty of criticism during its beta phase known as the Explorer Program and for better or worse the excitement from many consumer slipped into a slow decline. The latest details surrounding Google Glass sees their social media presence fade out of public view just as the Explorer Program has, as Google Glass social media accounts have been shut down with a statement directing any Glass Explorer Edition users who still have their units to seek help from the product support forums if they need any more assistance.

With Google Glass no longer engaging users on social media, it’s a safe bet that they no longer plan focus on the consumer side of things at this point, and perhaps it’s time with enterprise now being the only place where Glass is seeing any success, and with other efforts like Project Aura on the horizon with rumored new versions of Glass meant for consumers, it seems like Google is simply laying the foundation for replacing the Google Glass social media accounts for something else down the road.

While the removal from social media seems like Google Glass is done for, it’s not so drastic as that. The Glass for Work program is doing well and Google hasn’t tried to hide the fact that they’ve been doing things with Glass that are aimed at the enterprise sector. It is possible though that this more or less means the end of the Google Glass name. While it might be a bit of a shock to those who still use Explorer headsets, social media was more of a place to interact with users and share the love for Google Glass as well as any new information about the technology. Now that Google Glass is no longer going to be a consumer product in the form we’ve know for the last few years, there’s really no need for a social media account, and the support forums are arguably a better place to receive help or ask questions about existing units which is likely something that the Google Glass team has come to realize.