Google Will Present The Republican Debate With Fox On Jan. 28th

The 2016 United States Presidential Election is heating up as the primairies draw closer and closer by the day. While some are desperate to ignore anything and everything about the 2016 presidential debate and get everybody involved off their browser window, a good number of Americans are checking into the candidates and what they’ve been saying, as well as posing questions of their own. According to Google’s statistics, in fact, search volume in regards to politics can spike as much as 440 percent during debates. With a mere two weeks left, Google has announced they’re partnering with Fox News to present the Republican debate in Des Moines, Iowa. The way they’ve decided to go about hosting the debate, however, is a bit on the unconventional side and very in line with the times.

In collaboration with Fox News, Google will be checking out Google Search Trends and taking questions from YouTube during the debate, giving politicians a chance to answer the burning questions that real Americans may never get a chance to ask otherwise. Google says that the purpose of this effort is to “create a more fun and informative way for people to learn more about the candidates and issues in this primary race.” Google will also be interacting with the Google Trends home page in real time as it updates. Essentially, this means that both Americans and those abroad who are interested in American politics can have somewhat of a say in what questions the debating parties are asked. Normally, this privilege is limited to attendees and the press. The implications of this run quite deep; with what amounts to a viewer-controlled debate, candidates may be forced to answer tough questions they would otherwise have either dodged or simply never been asked.

The debate will be shown live on Fox News Channel at 9 P.M. Eastern Time on Thursday, January 28. Those wanting to see it live should, of course, be mindful of their time zone. There are many, of course, who will be satisfied to watch through one of the many usual channels that pick up debates after the fact. However you watch this year’s republican debate, it’s sure to be interesting.