Robot Vacuums might seem like a thing of the future, but robot vacuums from iRobot have been around for years, and their latest model is the 980 which was announced back in the middle of September. The Roomba 980 is equipped to pair up with a companion app which is available on Android, allowing the user to control and manage certain aspects of the device. Aside from the app controls, the Roomba 980 features iRobot’s iAdapt 2.0 navigation which allows it scoot around an entire floor of the home with ease, of course, cleaning all the while as it goes about its path.
It’s fitted with extractors too which help to prevent the vacuum from becoming jammed up with debris and hair meaning it should be able to get around and do its job relatively easily with little to no issue. Circling back to the app, once installed on an Android or iOS device the user can do anything from initiating a cleaning to setting a schedule for the Roomba 980. You can also use the app to set and manage your cleaning preferences. While the controls for the robot can be accessed from inside the app, there are also a series of buttons on the top that let you control the vacuum as well, including the home button to get it to move back to its base as well as the giant round “clean” button located in the center. Check out the gallery of images below for a closer look.