Samsung mobile devices are merely one brand among a sea of many different offerings available to consumers today, but the fact remains that they put out quite a vast range of devices and they are still the manufacturer with the largest portion of Android market share. They also offer a wide range of different accessories for those devices, and soon to be added to the lineup of available products will be a series of game controllers which have been specially optimized and designed for use with Samsung smartphones and tablets by none other than Mad Catz, a longtime provider of video game focused accessories and peripherals for a wide range of different platforms.
Samsung like many manufacturers have been taking a longer look at the gaming side of technology, and are doing what they can focus a little more on providing an optimal mobile gaming experience. As part of the “Designed for Samsung” program Mad Catz will manufacture and release a “range of mobile gaming products” that consumers will be able to pick up. There is unfortunately no detail that has been released by Mad Catz or Samsung on the availability or price ranges for these products, nor are there any more specifics about what the items included in the range of offerings will be, although it’s safe to assume that at least one or two will be a mobile gamepad designed specifically for Samsung devices.
Although Mad Catz do state that the controllers will be produced with Samsung’s devices in mind, they will also work and be compatible with other products which accept the connection of Bluetooth gaming controllers, which will include other tablets and smartphones as well as PC computers. Having said that, these new devices will be manufactured to work “seamlessly” with Samsung mobile products, suggesting an optimal experience with them over others. Although Mad Catz hasn’t unveiled any pricing or availability information about the accessories, they do mention that consumers will be able to buy them directly from the Mad Catz store online, as well as other online retailers, which could mean Amazon, Best Buy and other big merchants.