Sponsored App Review: Compass – Free

Compass is an Android app that gives users the ability to see where they’re headed in a dedicated app for their smartphones. More than just a simple pointer to show users where North is however, Compass also features exact coordinates, magnetic heading, magnetic field measurements and a true heading. The app features a number of different skins and is designed to be useful for those in need of a true, simple and accurate compass no matter where they are. The GPS coordinates are clearly marked and easy to read in a degrees decimal minutes formula for keen explorers. So, let’s take a look, shall we?

For explorers, hikers and the curious Compass is a free download from the Play Store. When first launched it’ll show the default view with all the information people are looking for.

The app has a settings menu, where people can change certain things about the Compass.

This includes a way of changing the precision of the compass and even a note on proper calibration, too.

Compass also features a trio of skins to choose from. The classic skin, a Christmas theme and a Classic theme.

For me, the Classic skin is my favorite, I love that old explorer, antique map look and feel.

The Classic look also makes it a little easier to read the different readings that the Compass has to offer users, such as a magnetic field and true headings. I wanted to test out if the compass here was right, so I loaded it up and pointed North.

I then loaded up Google Maps to see if it agreed, and if anything, Google Maps was a little out.

Compass is a comprehensive and near app for Android that definitely has its uses, especially for hikers and those looking to find out where they’re going without relying on fancy maps and whatever else on their phone.

Compass might not be something that everyone thinks they need on their device, but these sort of utilities definitely have their place, and as this is a free app, it’s well worth looking into. There are times when you run out of data coverage and the only thing you can get is GPS, but with Compass you can find out where North is and figure out what’s North of you and go from there. The same goes for South to make sure you’re retracing your steps and so on. As for the Android app, the three themes look nice, but some more of them would be nice to see. The calibration explanation works well, and overall this is a small little app that helps you out in a pinch and explorers out there will really enjoy using this when hiking and such.


  • Speed (4/5) – As there’s not a huge amount to the app, it runs really quickly, and there’s nothing that holds the app back in terms of performance.
  • Theme (4/5) – The three different themes look nice, and I’m a big fan of the classic look, but more of them would be nice to see. Otherwise, the content is very easy to make out and very readable.
  • Features (4/5) – As simple apps go, Compass might seem inconsequential to a lot of users, but it’s simple and easy to use, and will help you out in a pinch, too.
  • Overall (4/5) – Clearly, this is the sort of app that will only appeal to a select group of people, like those into hiking and those that live in more rural areas.


  • Simple and to the point app, it promises a compass, and delivers one.
  • Doesn’t confuse users with any unnecessary lingo or anything like that, just gives them the information they need.
  • Three different themes available to spruce things up.
  • Offers extra info like coordinates and true magnetic readings.


  • More themes would be nice to see.
  • Explanation of magnetic reading and true heading would be nice for advanced users.

Compass is an Android app that won’t appeal to everyone, but will certainly give those users in need of such an app something to get behind. It’s free, with just a few ads to deal with, and there’s a lot of value here for a free app. Even though it might only be something for those hiking or those in rural areas, this is a neat app to have installed on your device, and there’s no telling when you might need it.