Currently, apps for Android Auto are pretty limited. There are a good number of choices for streaming music, as well as streaming podcasts however. Which is exactly what we are looking at today. All five of these apps are compatible with Android Auto – you just need to plug in and go really – and all work great.
A pretty popular podcasting app, Stitcher Radio has become available for Android Auto. Allowing you to listen to your favorite podcasts while you’re in the car. There’s no offline-playback just yet, but that shouldn’t be too far away, considering they were one of the first to jump on the Auto scene.
Pocket Casts
Perhaps everyone’s favorite when it comes to podcasts, Pocket Casts also supports Android Auto. Pocket Casts does allow you to download podcasts to play offline when you don’t have an internet connection. Allowing you to quickly play a podcast without using up your mobile data. Pocket Casts has just about every podcast you could think of, right there in their directory.
Beyond Pod
Another one that was relatively early to the Android Auto support, Beyond Pod is also available to play podcasts in your car. Allowing you to quickly jump between podcasts, as well as sync with your other devices, so you don’t lose your spot in your podcast. You can find new podcasts through their directory which are sorted by publishers, categories and much more.
Player FM
Player FM has been good at supporting new platforms from Google. Not only does it support Android Auto, but also Android Wear, allowing you to control your podcast from your wrist. Player FM has a relatively minimal UI on your smartphone, however the UI on Android Auto is pretty similar to the other apps here. You can find your favorite podcasts nice and quick as well as play them without an internet connection.
TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio also has support for Android Auto. TuneIn Radio is much more than just podcasts though, as it also features all types of radio shows. TuneIn Radio is a great app to check out as it has a ton of content already available, much like Stitcher radio does. And it’s completely free.
Coming Soon – Google Play Music
Google Play Music is adding Podcasts, in fact it’s rumored to go live later this month. While we don’t have the functionality yet, it should be pretty similar to the Play Music we all already know and love in the car. Allowing you to quickly search for your favorite podcast and play it with ease.