APK: Searching For Day-Specific Pics In Google Photos Gets Easier

Google Photos has seen quite a few improvements over the time that it’s been available to users, like adding live twitter support and making it easier to get to your pictures by integrating a shortcut into the camera app from Google Photos. When Google launched the service initially at Google I/O last Summer, it was a way for them to offer a more compelling picture experience on Android while also bringing in features that were focused on giving the user things they could really use, like more storage, which is also one of the headlining features of the app as Google offers an unlimited free amount of storage of pictures within the Google Photos app.

Google also developed it in a way that made interacting with pictures easier, and in the most recent update to the application which brings it forward to version 1.13, Google has inserted a drop down panel when you search for pictures that will show you other pictures taken in the same exact day. This should pop up for users once they do a search for a specific picture and it appears next to the dates for those photos that show up in results. So for example, if you search for pictures of the beach, Google Photos will show you a picture you took at the beach from say, two days ago, and next to the date will be an arrow you can tap to open up the block of pictures, displaying other pictures taken two days ago that are listed in other categories.

This makes looking back at pictures from a specific date much simpler even if you were only looking for a specific category to begin with. It’s possible there are other new changes within this latest app update, but none that were noticeable at the time. Aside from the new drop down in today’s change, Google Photos offers other useful traits like simple editing tools, quick and easy sharing with just a tap, shared album capabilities and Google Cast support so you can cast Google Photos to your Chromecast or other Google Cast device on the big screen. If you haven’t yet received the latest version of Google Photos you can download the new version aok’s from below.

Download Google Photos Ver. 1.13 ARM – 320dpi

Download Google Photos Ver. 1.13 ARM – 480dpi