Featured: Top 10 Camping Apps For Android – February 2016

Whether you are considering going camping for the first time, a regular camper, or just someone who likes the sound of ‘glamping’, there are a number of ways in which your smartphone can help to improve the experience. For some, camping will be an ideal way to get away from electronics and smartphones, however for those who prefer a little electronic assistance, then here are ten camping-themed apps for Android that are worth checking out.

Camping Checklist

Before heading out on your next camping adventure, you hopefully will have taken care of all the things that you need to at home. To help ensure that is the case and to make sure you don’t miss out on anything while away, Camping Checklist offers a handy to-do list when preparing for your camping trip.

RV Parks & Campgrounds

While camping is meant to be an adventure, there are aspects which do have to be more mundanely planned. Where you will camp is certainly one of them. This app looks to offer information and reviews on a number of dedicated campsites and ones which allow RV parking as well.

Camping Lantern

Everyone is well aware of the many flashlight apps available on Android. Not to mention phones come with flashlights built in now. Still, if you would like more of a lantern based flashlight app – then here you are.

park4night – Motorhome camper

park4night is not too dissimilar to RV Parks & Campgrounds and does again provide the lowdown on various campsites. However, this one does come with more of a European emphasis. Point to note, the app loads for the first time in French but the language can be changed in the settings.

Camp USA

Moving away from Europe and back to the U.S., Camp USA will also provide you with a wealth of information on various campsites, as well as images and reviews where available. While this offers some of the same features as RV Parks & Campgrounds, sometimes it is good to check more than one app source to make sure you pick the right place.


Camping is one thing, getting lost is quite another. So if you are planning on trekking while camping then you might want to ensure you have a nice compass app installed – like this one.

GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic

Speaking of navigation, depending on how far you plan to go trekking or if you just want better information on your surrounding area, then you will want a good maps app. You can of course, use Google Maps, but if you want an app which claims to be “the most advanced GPS navigation app”, than Sygic is worth checking out. This one does also allow you to download whole areas so you won’t have to worry about establishing a connection or data charges when camping.

Survival Tools

It is very wise to make sure you are mentally prepared for any adventure. You never know when you might need to start a fire for warmth. With that in mind, this app offers a variety of information on surviving in the wild, as well as the odd emergency too.

Useful Knots

Another good app worth checking out is Useful Knots. The ability to tie a good knot will always come in handy when you need it the most. No matter what you are camping in, it is better to be prepared than not.

First Aid – American Red Cross

Of course, like any adventure, keeping you and your fellow campers safe and well should be of the utmost importance. With that in mind, this is the official American Red Cross app. This will provide a good deal of information on what to do in a number of emergency situations.