Google Expands Express Delivery Service To Include Groceries

While home delivery has always been a selling point for a business, it seems the last few years this has become extremely big business in its own right. Of course, Amazon do lead the way in this and in multiple regional markets with their Prime delivery service. However, Amazon has also been expanding their deliver service to offer more than just the delivery of products. One area in particular the company seems intent on embracing, is the delivering of groceries to consumers. Although, they are not the only company that seems to be setting its sights on the perishable market.

Google has its own delivery service in the form of Google Express, although, it has never really competed with the likes of Amazon for various reasons. Most notably, as it only offers the service in select areas and from select third-party companies. Not to mention, the news on Google Express has been pretty limited since its initial 2013 launch. However, today has seen Google make a move which does indicate they are pushing forward with the service as they are now offering same-day deliveries for groceries. This was a feature which had already been rumored to be on the way, although it was expected to begin slightly earlier with the initial reports stating the service would launch before the close of 2015.

Those hoping to make use of Google Express for groceries will have to be residents in either Los Angeles or San Francisco and in select parts of the two cities, as these seem to be the only areas currently being served by the latest expansion. According to the details, the third-party companies offering the grocery deliveries through Google Express include the likes of Costco, Whole Foods and Vicente Foods. In terms of cost, this does depend on whether you are a subscriber or not. If you pay the subscription charge for Google Express already, then you will be looking at $2.99 for your same day grocery delivery, while those willing to pay on a per-use basis will be charged $4.99 for the pleasure. While this is still a low-key move on Google’s part and certainly not one to trouble Amazon and their efforts, it does still highlight Google’s commitment to entering the lucrative, albeit quickly becoming crowded, home delivery market.