"Screenagers" Documentary Explores Kids' Tech Addiction

The Internet is one of the most important technological breakthroughs of human history, connecting millions of people all around the world and offering instant access to almost any information one might need. Its creation also led to the manufacture of our smart devices and the concept of “Internet of Things“, so in a way the Internet can be viewed as having a powerful influence over our society and human behavior. With that being said, a new documentary called “Screenagers” studies the effects of “screen time” in kids and adolescents, in hopes that the use of technology will not lead to anti-social behavior and other related issues.

Delaney Ruston, a physician and mother of two, has created a new documentary that aims to increase awareness regarding how technology can affect behavior in kids and adolescents. She was inspired to study these effects after seeing how her daughter was giving signs of social media addiction, and how her son became more anti-social in favor of playing video games. According to her studies, kids spend 6.5 hours a day on average, looking at screens for activities unrelated to school work. Whether they spend this time on social media, watching videos, or playing games, this behavior can have negative effects and can lead to young technology users losing interest in real life activities, and instead trick themselves into a sense of fulfillment and instant gratification through online means, leading to anti-social behavior. In other words, humans are social beings by nature and spending too much time interacting with others online can trick the human brain into a cheap sense of social activity at the cost of poorer relationships with other humans in the real world.

What’s very interesting to note is that, according to Delaney Ruston, the solution is not to break this addiction by keeping kids away from smartphones or technology. The reality is that technology is here to stay and is part of our lives, and keeping kids away from it can lead to other negative results in the long run. Technology is not good or bad on its own. As with any tool, it’s the way we use technology that makes it a powerful ally or a problem. Delaney calls this “the parenting issue of our time” and believes that the key is for everyone to work as a community and educate kids on how they should make the best of their technological spaces and not get distracted.

Those who are interested in viewing the full documentary can check out the Source link below and see where the next screening will take place. Otherwise, you can get a sense of what the documentary is all about from the official trailer.
