Sponsored Game Review: Strategy: Monkey Banana Bash

Monkey Banana Bash is an Android game for those looking for endless fun across 1,200 different levels. The idea is pretty simple, players will be in control of our little monkey friend and they need to jump to catch and eat the yellow bananas, while avoiding the black bananas. Gameplay takes place on top of the world – quite literally – as our little monkey friend needs to jump to different heights in order to collect these bananas. In a strange twist, Monkey Banana Bash is quite literally an endless game, there’s no failing a level, just the ability to keep on trying, and players can only choose to restart by deleting all their data and starting right back from the first level.

To get started with the game, players just need to download Monkey Banana Bash from the Play Store, and once they have done, the game will let new players know how to actually play the game.

After reading that, there’s not much else that players need to know really, and they can start playing with little to no hassle.

Things start off pretty easy, and all players really need to do is to tap to jump at the right time as the world spins on round.

When our Monkey friend jumps up and hits a yellow banana there’s a little animation to show that he’s successfully eaten something, but should he hit the black bananas he’ll fall down to earth in pain.

After a while, some of the levels become quite action-packed, with lots of bananas to negotiate.

Chewing through all of these is pretty satisfying, I will admit.

If users want to start all over from scratch, they can do so from the drop down settings menu, but it will reset the progress back down to level one again.

Monkey Banana Bash is a game that will appeal to those looking for an endless sort of arcade game with a difference. Rather than simply apeing (see what I did there?) the running gameplay of pretty much every Temple Run clone out there, this takes a different path. Having to jump your jumps and such is satisfying and does offer a decent challenge as the levels become a little more complex and such. Having said that, the gameplay can become a little repetitive over time and it would be nice to see some sort of power-up system or something like that. Over 1,200 different levels, there’s a lot for users to get their teeth stuck into and having to play one after the other in quick succession will appeal to some users, but others might not feel the same, as the gameplay essentially stays the same across these 1,200 levels.


  • Speed (4/5) – Monkey Banana Bash runs just fine and should do so on the majority of hardware out there, new and old.
  • Theme (3.5/5) – There’s not really much going on here in terms of look and feel, which makes the game feel a little tired after a while.
  • Features (3.5/5) – While this sort of gameplay will appeal to arcade players and endless runner fans, with little else aside from increasingly difficult level design, Monkey Banana Bash can feel a little repetitive.
  • Overall (3.5/5) – When it comes down to it, Monkey Banana Bash might end up as a “love it or hate it” sort of game for a lot of players, but arcade fans will definitely have a lot to enjoy here.


  • Simple and easily-understood gameplay allows users of all skill levels to try out something a little different.
  • Gives endless runner fans something new to try out, instead of the same old running forward sort of gameplay.
  • Allows players to start all over again to try out what they missed the first time around.
  • Simple one-tap gameplay is great for playing when on the move as well as for longer sort of sessions.


  • Doesn’t seem to have any sort of high score system, something these sort of games often offer to great effect.
  • Gameplay can become somewhat repetitive over time.

All-in-all, there’s not too much on offer really, which is a shame as this sort of gameplay is often loved by fans. It can become repetitive and samey after a while and with no power-ups or anything extra like that, there’s little incentive for players to keep on coming back. Having said that, those that enjoy this arcade sort of fun will definitely have a lot to get stuck into and the endless runner fans will also like this, too.