Chrome Music Lab Experiments Mix Sound Creation & Visuals

Chrome Experiments are quite interesting, they are meant to showcase and test the powerful performance and capabilities of the Chrome browser by creating interactive and fun experiences. Additionally, there’s no need to install additional plug-ins. Now, a new experiment was created for anyone interested in learning a little something about music. It’s called Chrome Music Lab and it was launched to acknowledge the Music In Our Schools month. It consists of a collection of experiments created in collaboration with musicians and coders meant to explain how music works.

Some of the technologies behind Chrome Music Lab include Chrome’s WebGL and Web Audio features, which make it possible to create audio and visualizations. The Web Audio API allows developers to create and analyze sound directly on the browser and WebGL JavaScript API uses the GPU to render complex visual effects. Users can also record their own sounds and manipulate them thanks to the getUserMedia API. The Web Audio framework Tone.js can create interactive music and the JavaScript renderer Pixi.js creates the animations in WebGL and canvas.

There is a total of 12 different interactive experiments available on Chrome Music Lab. The one called “Rhythm” can help users create sound patterns in a specific timeframe, there are different instruments available and they are played by some colorful characters. “Spectrogram” provides a visual representation of all of the frequencies produced by different sound sources and “Sound Waves” represents the sounds into a grid of blue dots as if they were air molecules. “Melody Maker” allows users to add notes to a grid and choose the speed to play them. Those who appreciate art might find “Kandinsky” quite interesting, as it transforms drawings or sketches into sounds. Users who would like to experience how their own voice sounds played at different speeds can try “Voice Spinner”, plus, the recorded voice can be played forward and backward. “Oscillators” features some fun characters, and users can drag them up or down to change their own frequency. There are a few others available, so in case you want to know about any of these aspects or just have fun by creating some sounds or even create a simple melody, visit the Chrome Experiments website or visit the link at the source.