Facebook Messenger has been gaining a number of updates recently. Ones which look to improve the overall functionality of the app and of course, keep you in the app for longer. The latest of which is an interesting one as it now seems that Spotify has been somewhat integrated within the Messenger app. The main purpose is to allow the user to more easily share the music they like with the people they know.
The way the integration works is that under the “More” section of the Messenger app, a new Spotify function is now listed. Clicking on the Spotify link will open the Spotify app and then the user will be presented with the option to search for content to share. Highlighting that this is a feature designed for the sole purpose of spreading the musical word. In fact, early indications seem to suggest that there is no other way to remain in the Spotify app through this route. As when you click on an artist, song, album or whatever, the app redirects you back to Messenger with the music link ready to be shared. Likewise, the recipient will receive the link (with artwork image) and once they also click on the link, they will be jettisoned over to Spotify to experience the shared music.
This is not the first time that Spotify has looked to get its app working more intuitively with other apps and companies as Spotify also did partner up with Uber, allowing users to listen to their favorite playlists when taking an Uber somewhere. Likewise, Spotify has also looked to integrate its services with the likes of Starbucks where you can instantly play back a song you heard on your last visit to a Starbuck’s store. You do need to have the Starbucks app installed on your device and of course linked to your Spotify account, but once done you will have access to the various Starbuck’s playlists. In terms of the Facebook Messenger integration and for those looking to share their favorite tracks and albums, this is a feature which Facebook has already confirmed is now in the process of rolling out for both iOS and Android users, so you should see the feature already listed in your app.