Out of the many messaging applications that are out there, Telegram has risen to be one of the most popular for a number of different reasons. One of them is because of the ability to engage in secret chats, but another is for the capability to create or join a super group chat which would allow users to add up to 1,000 members in a single chat and everyone could talk together. Whether or not it’s unlikely that the average person will end up adding close to that number, for companies or events where people want anyone attending to be involved, the super groups have now been updated by the Telegram team to include a whole lot more people.
As of the latest update to Telegram, super group chats have now been bumped up from 1,000 members to 5,000 members, allowing five times as many people to engage in one single chat group than before. For those using the super group chats, or more specifically for the admins of these chat groups, the Telegram team has added in another useful feature called pinned messages which should work out great for any admin trying to reach the entire group. With pinned messages, the posts are “pinned” to the top of the chat group, and when they’re pinned users will be notified whether or not they have messages from other members in the group muted, making it possible for admins to always reach every member.
In addition to giving admins the ability to pin posts to the super group, they also now have a “powerful” set of moderation tools at their disposal to help prevent spamming to group chats, a scenario which is quite possible now that super groups also have the ability to go public with a created short link. Possible spammers aside, the idea behind public super groups should the admins choose to make it so, is that anyone can view the entire history of the chat and if they wish, join up with the super group to participate in conversations. As far as the new controls go, admins can now block and report members at any time, but not also before deleting every message from that specific member. Telegram notes that the new features are limited to super groups, but having said that, regular groups can be converted to super groups by the admin as of today so the new features are available if they want them.