Google Calendar Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Just about everybody in this world has dreams, goals and obligations of some sort. Keeping an eye on the clock and the calendar have always been helpful in holding yourself to those, especially since you can keep a clock and calendar in your pocket or on your wrist these days. While some of us can stick to goals steadfastly and form habits, others may need a reminder. While you could always set a reminder manually in Google Now, Google Calendar has picked up a new features, called Goals, that will make the process much more customizable and less of a pain to set up.

In celebration of the service being around for a decade as of today, April 13, 2016, Google has rolled out the new Goals feature to Google Calendar to help users stay on top of the things they need and want to do. A user can start the set up process for a goal in the Google Calendar app by simply tapping the floating “Goals” button. From there, the app will ask you a few questions about your goal. What it might be, the time you want to devote to it and other helpful questions. From there, it will search your schedule to find the ideal time slot for the goal you’ve entered and give you a notification at that time as scheduled, as often as you tell it to. If you happen to miss a scheduled goal time or choose to defer it, Google Calendar will try to hunt for another good time slot. Over time, these behaviors will teach the app exactly when and how you should be best suited to accomplish the goals you set up.

The changes are already beginning to roll out to some users on Android and iOS. Users who don’t have access to the update quite yet will likely not have long to wait, given Google’s official announcement of the new feature. Whether you’re looking to work out, learn a new language or take some scheduled and well deserved personal time, this new feature should help you out. If you don’t already have the feature, keep an eye on your notifications and check out the source link if you’d like to see the full announcement.