Lately, the big news coming on the Motorola front has been about their poor customer support when a user needs to get a replacement device, because theirs is faulty. Some have been told that Motorola doesn’t have any replacements to send out, and others have gotten a replacement which was not the one they ordered in the first place. As is the case with the main plaintiff in this class action lawsuit. Douglas Lynch, who is a Georgia resident, states that Motorola took months to replace his Moto 360 which was defective, in 2015. Motorola did finally replace it, but sent him a cheaper model than the one that he bought. This isn’t just a one time occurrence either, the court filing has a number of additional cases where the same thing happened. Motorola has indeed admitted that there are delays in the processing of warranty claims. That’s cool and all, but doesn’t help users that paid for their Moto Care warranty, and now are out of a working device.
When it comes to customer service, not everyone’s experience is the same. For every company that has customer service, you can find a group that has had a rough time with their customer service, and another group that has had no issues. Lately, it seems that Motorola’s customer service has just been atrocious though. Which is out of the norm for Motorola. The class action lawsuit is for $5 million, and we’ll likely be hearing a lot more on this in the coming weeks.
This could turn out to be a pretty expensive lawsuit for Motorola and Lenovo. With Lenovo having just restructured their latest acquisition, one has to wonder if this is part of that restructuring. It likely isn’t, but could be a cost cutting measure. Either way it’s not sitting well with consumers, and that should be no surprise. This could definitely affect both Motorola and Lenovo’s sales moving forward, which isn’t going to be good for Lenovo. Especially where they want to challenge the “big dogs” Apple and Samsung in the near future – a bit reason for buying up Motorola.