Ever saw a long-review that you wanted to read, but didn’t have the time right then and there to do it? So you want to save it to read later? Basket is here to help. Basket allows you to save and organize articles, videos and really any type of web page into your “basket” to read at a later time. This is a great way to stash a bunch of content to read when you’re stuck on the subway or somewhere and you’re bored. Seeing as Basket will save this stuff offline for you, so you don’t need to have an internet connection to get some reading done.
Basket has categories here so you can categorize your content into different labels. Especially useful for doing research and saving all of the research you’ve done into one small section of your basket. Making for a clutter free environment, as Basket quotes in their app listing. It’s a great companion for keeping up with everything.
Some of the bigger features of Basket include the ability to share items with others, using the built-in Android sharing mechanism. Additionally, you can choose to save data with the “wifi only syncing” option. Great for those that don’t have an unlimited data plan. There are also different reading modes available, so you don’t have to blind yourself if you’re reading at night. You can find items in your basket by sorting them by link types. Like articles, videos, and documents. Basket has support for apps like Flipboard, Feedly and Google newsstand, so you can easily share your article from any of those apps and have it stored in your basket to read later. Every article is downloaded offline, but videos won’t be, for obvious reasons.
Basket is a free app available on the Google Play Store, and there are no in-app purchases at all. This is great as you can use it not worry about whether some of the features are paid or not. As they are all free. Of course this could change in the future, but as for now, it is a completely free app.