Talking Tom Cat is an Android game that has been around for some time now, but is back with lots of new features and a fresh coat of paint. Talking Tom Cat gives Android users a cheeky and funny Tom Cat to play with, to poke, to repeat words in a high-pitched voice and act out actions. Now, users can feed Tom different foods – including the explosive Chili Pepper – and see how he reacts to them. Having been downloaded over 100 Million times, there’s clearly a lot of charm on offer here with Talking Tom Cat and now the app is back with even more to offer players. So, let’s see what Outfit7 have been up to with this latest version of the hit app.
Just as before, users can download Talking Tom Cat for free from the Play Store, and when it’s first launched, there’s an age check, which we’re assuming is in case kids have downloaded the app on their own.
This is an app that’s obviously going to appeal to a younger audience, and one thing that parents will be happy to see is a child mode, which the developers promise “unlimited use” for. This cuts out banners and ads, and goes further to ensure that little ones won’t click an ad and leave the app, making Talking Tom Cat an app that’s safe to hand over to little ones.
For those that have played Talking Tom Cat before, the overall look and feel of the new app will feel very familiar, as it doesn’t appear as though a huge amount has changed. For those new to the app, let me introduce you to Tom:
Tom can be a lot of things, he can be your faithful friend and listener, ready to spout out what he heard from you in a squeaky voice:
The app will record a few seconds or so of video – with the squeaky voice – for you to share with friends or just save to your device. This also works for all of the funny animations and reactions that Tom will show off, too.
Or, he can be a sort of entertainer – or jester, if you will – to perform funny tricks and such. These are played out in fun animations, and many of which now revolve around feeding Tom something. Each of the different food or drink items have an original animation for them, like this famous take on giving a Cat their favorite drink; a glass of milk.
One of the funniest animations however – and I don’t want to fully ruin it for people – is to feed Tom a red hot chili pepper, which unsurprisingly didn’t settle with Tom too well.
Now, with Talking Tom Cat being a free app, it’s no surprise that when users run out of food to feed Tom they’ll be asked to cough up for some more food, although the unlimited option is a – albeit pricey – solid option to consider.
Since Talking Tom Cat launched over five years ago now, he has become a range of cuddly toys, Outfit7 has gone on to release similar apps to this with new characters and such, but the original will always have a classic appeal to it. On the surface, it doesn’t really seem as if Outfit7 have done all that much to the overall look and feel or indeed behavior of the classic Tom character. Indeed, this feels just as it did years ago the last time I tried the app. Having said that though, the graphics have taken a big step up, and even on a sparkling Galaxy S7 Edge with its whopping 2560 x 1600 display Tom looks sharp and crisp. They’ve clearly given him some more animations and such as well, as there seems to be “more” that we can do with Tom in this latest version of the game. For kids however, this will no doubt blow them away, and apps like Talking Tom Cat have been putting smiles and injecting giggles into children for years, and this latest version of Talking Tom Cat will be no different, we’re sure.
- Speed (4/5) – Talking Tom Cat runs nice and smoothly, his animations are fluid and the app itself runs very quickly without any issues at all.
- Theme (5/5) – There’s no doubt that Talking Tom Cat is one of the most charming apps available on Android, and the higher-resolution graphics and new animations only help to here.
- Features (4/5) – For new users, Talking Tom Cat will be a great app that has a lot on offer, but for those familiar with Tom, this new version will still feel just as it always has done. Regardless, the app is great fun overall.
- Overall (4.5/5) – While still entertaining, we were perhaps hoping for a little more from a new version of such a popular app. Nevertheless, this is a great update and a brilliant way of switching on a new generation of kids to one of the more engaging and interactive apps available on Android today.
- New version offers players some new animations and improved graphics.
- Repeating what someone has said is just as amusing as it always has been.
- Sharing videos online can be a great way of sharing some of the fun that Tom has to offer people.
- Great app for younger users to spend time with, thanks to the Child Mode and playful content.
- Doesn’t seem to offer too much besides the original set of features that the app has had for years now.
- Prices for the different food items could be considered a little pricey overall.
Talking Tom Cat is a fun game and one that will appeal to younger users as well as older users that refuse to grow up – not unlike myself. This new version has a fresh coat of paint and some added animations, but overall Tom is still his familiar self and has all of the same sort of tricks and fun up his sleeve as he did before. A classic that’s now more accessible to a lot of new users, this free app is well worth giving a whirl.