Star Wars has a huge fan following, and rightfully so given the amount of movies and other products that are available which center around the franchise. Last December the most recent Star Wars film hit theaters, known as Star Wars: The Force Awakens for those who were unfamiliar, and it’s now possible to purchase the film digitally through Amazon’s online store as well as through Google Play. If you haven’t yet seen the movie and were waiting until you could stream it from the comfort of your couch at home, now is your time, and the movie can be picked up for $17.99 for the HD version on Amazon.
The film is also available on Google Play, and is available in both HD and SD (high definition and standard definition) for the prices of $19.99 and $14.99 respectively. It is worth noting however that the SD version of the film doesn’t seem to appear as an option in the Play Store for some users, which means HD might be your only option if you’re looking to grab the digital copy of the film. For those who were wanting to simply rent the film so they wouldn’t have to commit to a purchase of something they may or may not like, the ability to rent Star Wars: The Force Awakens is unfortunately not available just yet, and likely won’t be for at least a few more weeks as movies tend to hit Google Play as a purchase-only option for around the first month.
For those that are major fans of the Star Wars franchise, buying the movie through Google Play means that the film will also come alongside a handful of extra content including director commentary videos and videos about the making of the film. If you’re heavily invested in the Google Play ecosystem, picking it up through the Play Store is certainly the simplest option as it will be available on any device where you can sign into your Google account and access the Play Movies library. Having said that, if you’re not invested into the Google Play ecosystem, the HD version of the film can be had for a couple of dollars less if purchased through Amazon, as the film is available for only $17.99.
Buy Star Wars: The Force Awakens in HD - $17.99